Sunday, September 6, 2009

Important Everyone~~

Please spare some time to read this. 
I use my name because it's not something that I copied and pasted info that will be wasting your time reading it...

I came to know about this QuestNet from a friend.
Not going to elaborate much about that because that's not the point.

If any people were to persuade you to invest in this thing, PLEASE stay away from it.
It is a company which based in HK and claimed was established in 1998 and operating in more than 220 countries worldwide.
They will persuade you to join by means of really really lucrative commissions that you will received when you get more people into it... But, you have to invest about RM2k or so in it.

It is said to be using a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) system.
And with this system,the commissions you are to be received will be very attractive because it's based on the number of member you managed to get. And even when your member managed to get a new member,you'll be getting that part of commission too. This have a compounding effect which makes the commissions looks attractive.

Why the company willing to pay such commissions?
They explained that by using this system, the distribution points are lower and so the distribution costs are lower compared to the traditional method.

All that are only true THEORITICALLY...

In practice, a sales manager wouldn't want to adopt such system because how are they going to operate efficiently when they are using a system (which means through the members) that they can't exercise control and how reliable are they to help achieve the sales target? 

So, in terms of practicability it is very low. And, I've never seen any company using MLM system thus far. Not even Wal-Mart...

I decided to write this is to prevent you all from stepping into this trap.
Because when they are persuading you by explaining about this marketing system,it sounds so real and possible to happen...
So, always bear this in mind, think about the practicability then you may at least wake yourself from this kind of scam.

And also, I have to admit they are quite well planned in this scam.
When I was doing my research on this, there are quite a few things I have to point out.
1) They have offices in Amcorp Mall and around PJ.
2) They have a well built website which have all the elements of a typical company would have.
3) There is Press Releases and News which show they are somewhat known.
4) If you really try to google about it, there are really many people who are supporting this company.
5) And you can even find many comments that trying to put this company back to position after some cases or being labeled as scam.
*All these are really convincing enough to make you believe this company exists and operating quite well... No doubt many people would fall prey to this.

Now, here's my opinion and my standpoint after a thorough research about them...
They have registered a company but with another name as Lotus Marketing, this company operates excatly the same business line as it was with the original QuestNet. They do this is actually trying to continue their scam since that QuestNet already has bad names on it and even banned in certain countries. Why would a company register in a different name and having the goodwill built in their existing company to be disposed of just like that? I said this because they are not venturing into a new business line...

And, if you were to really check on those Press Releases and News, the articles are published in magazines and news in 3rd world countries which I believe doesn't really have strict regulations on their publications.

About why so many people still supporting it since it's considered a scam among some of us...
As you know, I've mentioned how the commissions are paid based on the MLM system. They are actually to expand their circle of members that will ultimately result in higher pay of commission that was promised. These guys are just so sefish to be "just try and wait for the pay" or being ignorant that since it's a scam so they try to get back what they have actually invested... Because afterall, they don't want to lose money and accept the fact.

Here is one very very important point...
As I said, I admit they are really very well planned in this... 
Because they have prepared all those that I've mentioned to convince people into believing this.
But I've spotted some flaw, maybe one could never thought of...
This is some kind of forensic investigation! HAHA! I should have study Forensic Accounting lar...

Okay.. Here it is.
There's no information about the company background to prove its registration with any countries Registrar and there's no information about this company back to the year of its establishment...

The oldest post/comments/news about this company only as back as at year 2002 only.
And during year 2003 to 2004 there's nothing about this QuestNet.
In year 2005 there's only some people who were discussing wheter QuestNet is a scam or not, and there's no one who is supporting QuestNet at that time. 
So, assume that the supporter of QuestNet are actually those who are in it which means the scammers.
That means, they are not operating in year 2003 till the end of the year of 2005.
Then in year 2006, it's quite a big issue because there's many many discussions about QuestNet in that year.And there's suddenly soooo many supporter compared to 2005 which I really don't see any (not even 1)...
In year 2007 is very similar to the year 2005 in which there's only discussion wheter it's a scam or not and there's no replies or comments from any supporters.
In year 2008 and 2009, it's again a big issue and soooo many supporters of QuestNet...

QuestNet never mention anything about any halts during their operation, that means it's supposed to be operating continuously all these years.
But from all the discussions in forums and websites, I've detected there's actually a trend!
I believe that in the years where there's no supporters of QuestNet, the QuestNet was actually not operating or maybe not operating actively.
So this scam is like, after a year or two, it disappears.After a year or two then it reappears.
After scamming people, then they disappear for some time.
They reappear when people start to forget about the scam...

About the years and discussions I never try to create story or boast about them...
You can try google it and go 1 by 1 the search results for like 20 pages and you see wheter what I say is true or not...

If they are truly a company, would they operate in such a manner?  
Definitely no... 

And I really really hope, there's no more people would go into this trap..
Especially my friends...
Please, if you really want to invest, go through the proper channel like investment banks and brokers.
There's no such investment in this world that would have a return on capital that is as high as 500% in such a short term.
That return would happen if you hold a stock long enough for at least 25 years and that particular company really prosper...



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